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 Items, how and where to collect and obtain them.

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Join date : 2018-08-21

Items, how and where to collect and obtain them. Empty
PostSubject: Items, how and where to collect and obtain them.   Items, how and where to collect and obtain them. EmptySun Jan 20, 2019 12:48 am

Obtaining Items

Items are obtained through four main methods.

1. Adventure and Exploration threads. During these you may roll up to 3 Dice, be they exploring, hunting or scouting. (refer to Dice section) Each of these have a random chance at dropping a [insert link here] common item.

2. Location events. Every so often a topic will appear with a random premise. Sometimes it will be a couple random scavengers, or perhaps a long abandoned dragon's den, perhaps a pile of buried treasure within the dunes of the sand kingdom. These threads will have specified requirements to obtaining an item. Usually however, it is first come first serve. The items can be anything from a common ring to a one-of-a-kind animus object.

3. Raids. When a raid thread pops up it will have a specified number of dragons that may enter. These dragons can finish the scenario (often a scavenger den raid) and dragons will be given a reward that will be heavily influenced on their participation.

Example: Dragon A, B, and C stumble onto the den. Dragons A and C have no issues taking on the scavengers while Dragon B stays behind fretfully. Dragon A gets the first pick of rewards since he did the most damage. Dragon C goes next and B gets last pick. Detail matters.

4. Item drop. The simplest option. Sometimes an admin or mod will just randomly chuck an item into a thread for your dragon to find or ignore.

Maintaining Items

Because dragons are hoarders, it is critical to maintain a list of procured items. Within the Character Profiles board, there is a section called "Item Collections". Simply create a thread for your dragon (name of dragon - tribe) and use the quote feature to quote all posts that give you an item. An example may be seen within the board.
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Items, how and where to collect and obtain them.
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