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A Roleplay site dedicated to the Wings of Fire series by Tui T Sutherland. Create your own dragons and roam the skies.
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 Dragon Standards

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Posts : 8
Join date : 2018-08-21

Dragon Standards Empty
PostSubject: Dragon Standards   Dragon Standards EmptySun Sep 02, 2018 5:34 pm

Dragon Standards

Since dragons are creatures of fantasy, the only references we have to go on are those of Pyrrhia. This is a written standard for what dragons should follow in creations. Dragons that fall outside of these may be rejected. These standards will change as new information comes out.


IceWings typically have many spikes that trail down from their horns to their lower back just above the base of the tail. The ones just behind the horns and mid-back being the longest.

Their tails are thin, and whip-like with spikes at the tip that can be used as a weapon easily.

Claws that are long and serrated for digging deep into ice.

The lighter the scales, the greater their ability to reflect light in strong sunlight. Similarly to an icicle melting in strong sunlight, though this affect is dulled in the arctic cold of the ice kingdom due to a constant layer of frost.

Horns are typically pale like the rest of their body, but may be darker. The body spikes typically are the same tones as the scales themselves.


SandWings have a thin fin-like membrane that stretches from the tip of their nose down to the mid-section of their tail. It's longest points are at the forehead, shoulders and tail base.

Claws are smaller and slightly flatter, designed for the hot desert climate.

Their scales are smooth and warm to the touch, with their undersides being more thick and leathery than scaled.

Horns are smaller than most dragons with a slight curve. A small nose horn is not uncommon.

All SandWings have a scorpion-like tail that will inject venom deadly to all dragons. Though SandWings themselves learn as hatchlings on how to hold their tails to avoid accidental stings.

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